Carbohydrates, Do We Really Need Them? -

Carbohydrates, Do We Really Need Them?

good carbs vs bad carbs, both groups are shown with several examples

Carbohydrates are essential elements for a balanced diet, but it is important to understand that there are two different kinds, simple carbs and complex carbs. Natural, unprocessed Foods usually offer the beneficial complex carbs, while refined sugar is the purest form of simple carbs. 

Carbohydrates are definitely needed, because they provide the fuel required for the body for physical activity, optimal organ function and brain function. However, the quality of carbohydrates is essential if we want to support our health. The best sources of complex carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables because these carbohydrates are bound into a complex compound  with vitamins, fiber, phytochemicals and minerals. They are a healthy source of energy and even help in weight control, fight certain diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Simple carbohydrates without fiber, vitamins and minerals, with high glycemic index are only useful for athletes as they can provide high energy levels for peak performance.

How Carbohydrates Work

Natural carbohydrate sources are healthy, as they offer the complex compounds with ingredients such as vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. These nutritional substances are vital for normal functioning of our body because they contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, which our body is made of. During digestion glucose is released by carbohydrates, and transported to different organs through the blood. The cells of the organs can convert the glucose into energy. 


Energy Value of Carbohydrates

Each gram of carbohydrate releases 4 calories of energy. Complex carbohydrates release their energy content slowly and constantly over a longer period of time into the bloodstream, while simple carbohydrates cause spikes of high blood sugar levels for a short period. These peaks of excessive energy from simple carbs are followed by dramatic blood sugar drops which are known as sugar crashes. Unbalanced blood sugar levels are very difficult for our bodies to manage and lead in the long term to serious health problems.  To prevent problems like heart disease and remain healthy, consuming carbohydrates with low glycemic index is important. 

Health Benefits of Carbohydrates

a list of health benefits from carbohydrates

Yes, there are numerous health benefits in complex carbs. In the following  some health benefits of Carbohydrates are listed.

Uplifts Mood

Carbohydrates are responsible for mood and appetite enhancing chemical serotonin. This chemical not only helps people to feel full and satisfied with their meals but also improves the mood.

Helps Better Sleep

Consuming high-fiber and low glycemic index carbohydrates at bedtime may  provide better sleep. 

Provides Fiber

Fiber is a part of plant based food. Fiber is not just passive ballast for better digestion, it actually plays a complex role in managing the gut biome, which  is connected through the vagus nerve directly with the brain where it influences even mood and cognitive functions. Also, the risk of diabetes and heart diseases is significantly reduced by consuming more fiber. Fiber is of two types, insoluble and soluble fiber. Barley, oats, legumes and psyllium for example are rich sources of soluble fiber that adds moisture to the stool. The cholesterol levels can also be reduced as these bind to the bile salts. The insoluble fiber is found in nuts, grains and in vegetables.

Prevent Diseases

Complex carbs are usually fibrous foods that provide the strength to fight certain diseases, like obesity and type 2 diabetes, helps to lower cholesterol and aids digestion. 

Prevents Blood Clots

The organic compounds of complex carbs are inhibiting the formation of accumulated cholesterol and fat which is known commonly as the plaque.  The flow of oxygen rich blood is restricted if the plaque grows inside the body and that would lead to blood clots disorder, and which can result in heart attack. Complex carbs regularly consumed, help to prevent the formation of plaque.

Weight Control 

Most often carbohydrates are blamed for weight gain, which is correct for simple carbs, but complex carbs are even useful in controlling weight, if consumed in the right amounts. By consuming more vegetables and fruits, weight loss can be more easily achieved. Just avoid processed foods and include more natural Real Foods into your diet for better weight control.

Improves the Digestive System

Including fiber-rich complex carbs in your diet will improve the health of the digestive system. Fiber present in complex carbs adds bulk to the stool and facilitates its easy elimination from the body. Thus, the feeling of bloating or constipation is significantly improved with the right carbohydrate intake.

Sharp Memory 

Including a constant amount of energy-producing carbs in the diet will improve cognitive ability and memorization.

Athletes Nutrient 

For exercise lasting 1-2 hours, consuming 30-60 grams of simple carbs per hour is recommended to improve performance. For up to 3 hours an athlete should aim for 60-90g carbs per hour, but for events >3 hours, the body can effectively use up to 120g/hour

Reduced Risk Of Cancer 

Carbohydrates that contain plant fiber are known to decrease the possibility of different types of cancers such as stomach and colon cancers. Thus, by consuming whole grains, vegetables and fruits in the diet, people can significantly reduce the risk of cancers.

Healthier Skin

Because complex carbs are a good source of dietary fibers, they are perfect for promoting healthier skin. The fiber is also very beneficial in eliminating the toxins from the body and for improving the health of the skin. The flow of blood will be clear and an individual would have healthy and clear skin.

Sources Of Quality Carbs

Some of the complex carb foods include oatmeal, yams, brown rice, sweet potatoes, multigrain and 100% whole grain bread. They are beneficial in regulating optimal brain and body functions. An individual fueling complex carbs on a regular basis, can become more alert and agile and the risk of chronic diseases can be substantially reduced. 

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